Wir können String-Tanga tragen

mood: stressed
doing: writing
music: radiohead – creep <3

Last month, I went on a train. I guess I must have looked somehow bored or sad, because a girl asked me if I wanted to read a book she just bought at a local store for this train ride. I took the book and red it in two hours. It was easy to read and obviously not a very thick book. I do not remember the titel anymore, but in principal it was supposed to reveal all the ironic things happening in day-to-day life. I did not enjoy the book, it was neither very funny nor sophisticated. Truly speaking, I never red anything more boring than this piece of rubbish. Nevertheless, the backcover called it a “well-written” best-seller with a great sense of humor. It taught me that you can publish almost everything. I concluded I can do it better.

Just recently, I have started to write my first book. The whole story is called “Wir können String-Tanga tragen”. It will be a book about my experiences with girls and boys. The content addresses the battle of the sexes and all the funny slapstick related to it. I am still working on the book, but finished some chapters already. The title is hard to translate into english, a girl said it once to me reasoning why girls are superior to boys. I found this sentence very amusing and I hope my book develop on that kind of argument. Now, I try to free up time to write at least every day in the evening. This persuit is helping me to get away from lots of sadness.

Yes, I am a creep, I am a weirdo… Stay tuned!


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