We are all sadists..

..because we like the taste of meat.
Vegans are by no means concerned only on food because veganism means not only to stop consuming meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, and eggs, it rejects the slaugther and exploitation of any creature for any reason.

Clothing: Reject Fur, Leather, Wool, Silk, Reptile Skin, …
Chapter 1: The fashion victims
Solely for the purpose of fashion approximately 40 million animals are killed every year. This figure does not include the number of animals processed for leather and wool products, since they are more a byproduct of animal use for food.
Three-quarter of the 40 million animals including minks, foxes, chinchillas, and raccoon dogs are raised and killed on so-called “factory farms”. Most of you know under which horrible conditions in small wire cages these animals have to live to maintain maximum profitability. These confinements cause often ulcers and other physical disorders. Almost all animals develop various behavioral disorders and start to self-mutilate in this environment. Finally, after a short life of about one year they are killed by electrocution, gassing, or neck breaking.
It is also known that factory farms does have a devastating impact on the environment due to enormous production of soil, water, and air polluting waste.
The remaining quarter mostly consists of trapped animals which suffer to death by dehydration and blood loss or will be killed by shooting, stomping, or clubbing. Not included in this figure are trapped non-target “waste” animals which are estimated to be about ten times as much [1]. Taking into account that ten to hundred pelts are needed to produce one coat, a truly insane number of animals have to die cruelly for the sake of fashion clothing.
Due to the fact that cotton and synthetics provide proven alternatives, nobody can seriously maintain that the use of animals for clothing is necessary.
If it is wrong to inflict unnecessary pain and suffering on sentient beings, then we have a moral and legal obligation to reject clothing made of animals.

You have the power to decide.

[1] Humane Society International (HSI) http://www.hsi.org

Quiz winner

mood: volatile
doing: boxes particles
music: regina spektor – braille <3

Okay guys, I have informed the quiz winner. Congratulation. He will get his particle. But the cutest answer came from hubbsi, therefore he will receive a booby prize. And now I use some of his words: “twinkle, twinkle”. This made me laugh. Anyways, thanks to the few people who participated.

Pogo’s robots

mood: confident
doing: surfing around
music: ihsahn – on the shores (and the sax) <3

I know them, I know their names.. Roland, Ingo, and marvellous Martin.

And this is for you! Another Nao is looking for some coffee.
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_8A97xuQ8g&feature=related] Have fun! 🙂

Wir können String-Tanga tragen

mood: stressed
doing: writing
music: radiohead – creep <3

Last month, I went on a train. I guess I must have looked somehow bored or sad, because a girl asked me if I wanted to read a book she just bought at a local store for this train ride. I took the book and red it in two hours. It was easy to read and obviously not a very thick book. I do not remember the titel anymore, but in principal it was supposed to reveal all the ironic things happening in day-to-day life. I did not enjoy the book, it was neither very funny nor sophisticated. Truly speaking, I never red anything more boring than this piece of rubbish. Nevertheless, the backcover called it a “well-written” best-seller with a great sense of humor. It taught me that you can publish almost everything. I concluded I can do it better.

Just recently, I have started to write my first book. The whole story is called “Wir können String-Tanga tragen”. It will be a book about my experiences with girls and boys. The content addresses the battle of the sexes and all the funny slapstick related to it. I am still working on the book, but finished some chapters already. The title is hard to translate into english, a girl said it once to me reasoning why girls are superior to boys. I found this sentence very amusing and I hope my book develop on that kind of argument. Now, I try to free up time to write at least every day in the evening. This persuit is helping me to get away from lots of sadness.

Yes, I am a creep, I am a weirdo… Stay tuned!


Bachelor degree defense

mood: relieved
doing: reporting
music: none <3

Today, my bachelor student had to defense his thesis. It took place in a seminar room at the university. To my surprise, the room was quite full with people. My student did an excellent job in presenting his work. Afterward, he answered every question as good as possible. Overall, he did a good job and I was very pleased with him. Beside the representant from the university, my boss, and me, all other people had to leave the room. We discussed the student’s final grade. I recommended a 1.0, the other two people suggested a 1.3. In the end, he got the 1.3, which is still a great result. What is left to say: Congratulations and all the best for the future!

CASTOR vs. Nazis

mood: angry
doing: hitting my desk
music: green day – wake me up when september ends <3

Love me or shoot me!

To shock you, I am pro CASTOR and against Nazis! It makes me sad and sick to see 10.000 people going to object the CASTOR transport vs. 250 people protesting the Nazis in Hohenmölsen. This position seems to be in contrast to the majority opinion. Physics is never good or bad, but people are!




I guess N. Portman in Léon: The Professional.