The Last Man on the Moon

Eugene A. Cernan will visit the Institute on Monday.
It is curious, he was the last man on the Moon back in 1972.
That is the vehicle with he holds the speed record on the Moon and I think he drove the longest distance there as well.

Well, I wish they would play the following song, when he enters the stage.
It is his voice!
Daft Punk feat. Gene Cernan.
Epic! O.o
[youtube_sc url=Ov65gSFRlPk height=30 autohide=0 showinfo=0]
<3 Song: Contact

Cernan: “Hey Bob I’m looking at what Jack was talking about and it’s definitely not a particle that’s nearby. It’s a bright object and it’s obviously rotating because it’s flashing; it’s way out in the distance, certainly rotating in a very rhythmic fashion because the flashes come around almost on time. As we look back at the Earth it’s up at about 11 o’clock, about maybe ten or twelve diameters. I don’t know whether that does you any good, but there’s something out there.”