
mood: comme ci, comme ca
doing: thinking about life in general
music: bush – the chemicals between us <3

I strongly believe life is just a slow chemical reaction. I think I can proof this: Put a plastic bag over my head and it will cease rapidly.

I managed to survive

mood: relieved
doing: working
music: radiohead – i might be wrong <3

Bonn. Back home! I survived a week which was planned completely different.
As I arrived very late at the hotel it had been closed already. Just a small message with an emergance phone number was left behind and gosh darn it I lost my handy before! Unfortunately the hotel is located far outside of the city. The streets were already empty. I decided to walk in an Archimedean spiral hoping to hit anybody. Luckily I found a phone booth after a 30 minutes walk.

Next week I am going to be in Rome, Italy.


I really need a travel diary just to cross them out:
My next three trips will be to Rome, Torino, and Kobe.

44 rooms

mood: changeable
doing: thinking of tomorrow
music: yann tiersen – a secret place <3

“I feel ligther, it took some energy out of me.” Yes, I did it. I have written a short story based on my recent dream. It is a fantasy story about being foolish, drug abuse and how fast things are changing. A story about friendship, love, the haunted and the haunters. It starts out with a cheerful party but than turns into a sad nightmare. The basic storyline is about two small groups of people hiding from each other while moving constantly through rooms each with a different look and meaning, containing special secrets. Confusing? Maybe. Concerning? I hope so!

Right now I am searching for a community where I can publish to reach a broad audience. I am thinking about a website such as but with a much stronger emphasize on lyrics. Your suggestions are welcome. Please use the contact form below.

[contact-form to=""]

next up:

  • the girl i dream of

Long way from home

Happy Birthday Voyager 1!

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I tried my best to convert this old NASA video.
I am so sorry for its bad quality!
But this video is simply the best and the phrase

in the event of the spacecraft encounters alien intelligence

is just epic. Have fun!

An impressive demonstration of Newton’s law of motion, after traveling twelve years or billions of kilometers Voyager 2 did miss Neptune by just “one” second according to flight schedule.